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Taichi Mini Course
Getting Started
What you'll be learning
Warmup (6:11)
Taichi Principle #1 - Posture (3:02)
Taichi Principle #2 - Shifting Weight (2:14)
Taichi Principle #3 - Stepping (1:43)
Taichi Primary Movements (4:06)
Beginning Taichi Movements
#1: Hands Playing the Lute (9:29)
#2: Double Palm Push (12:48)
Inward Arm Circles (3:32)
Push Palm (1:48)
Brush Knee (1:18)
Brush Knee + Push Palm (4:25)
#3 Brush Knee + Push Palm + Bow Stance (4:58)
Combining the Movements
Combination #1 (3:28)
Combination #2 (1:40)
Continuous Brush Knee + Push Palm (6:27)
Combination #3 (3:06)
Closing Movements (1:06)
How to continue practicing taichi
Self Practice and iOS app
Combination #1
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